The Swedish Securities Council's task of promoting good practice on the Swedish stock market places high demands on its composition. The Board consists of a chairman, one or two vice-chairmen and a maximum of 32 other members who are lawyers, company managers and board members, as well as persons with links to various categories of owners. Members are appointed for two years at a time by the Swedish Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market.
All members of the Board are listed below.
Sten Andersson, Chair of the Council

Chair since: 2024 (Council member since: 2020 and Vice-Chair 2020-2023)
Born: 1955
Education: LL.M.
Current board assignments: Chairman of the Accounting Board, Chairman of the Supervisory Board for Auditors.
Selection of previous positions: Assessor at the Göta Court of Appeal 1990, Head of Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Justice 2004-2008, President of the Court of Appeal for Nedre Norrland 2008-2010, President of the Göta Court of Appeal 2011-2016, Member of the Supreme Court.
Johan Danelius, vice Chair of the Council

Council member since: 2022
Born: 1968
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Justice of the Supreme Court since 2020.
Current board assignments: Vice Chairman of the Media Ethics Board, member of Nasdaq Stockholm's Disciplinary Board.
Selection of previous positions: Head of Expedition etc. in the Ministry of Justice, lawyer.
Jan-Mikael Bexhed

Council member since: 2006 (expert 1999-2005)
Born: 1954
Education: LL.M. and jur. lic.
Current position: Lawyer, own business
Current board assignments: Judicial Board, deputy member
Selection of previous positions: Company lawyer, General Counsel and Deputy CEO of Skandia Insurance Company, main board of the Swedish Bar Association.
Ramsay Brufer

Council member since: 2014
Born: 1959
Education: Economist.
Current board assignments: Chairman of Ancore Fastigheter AB, Chairman of Swedish Airport Infrastructure AB.
Selected previous positions: Head of Corporate Governance, Alecta 1997-2021.
Peter Bäärnhielm

Council member since: 2001
Born: 1958
Education: LL.M., 1985 and doctoral studies 1985-1987.
Current position: Head of Capital Markets and Public M&A, Wigge & Partners Advokat KB.
Current board assignments: Utvecklingsaktiebolaget Laburnum, Briban Invest AB, Stiftelsen Borgerskapets Enkehus and Gubbhus.
Selected previous positions: Co-Head of Corporates & Institutions Sweden, Danske Bank (2015-2020), Head of Capital Markets Group/Partner, Advokatfirman Vinge (2012-2015), Nordic Head of Investment Banking, Carnegie (2006-2012).
Cecilia Daun Wennborg

Council member since: 2018
Born: 1963
Education: Master of Business Administration
Current position: Board professional
Current board assignments: IcaGruppen AB, Getinge AB, Loomis AB, Bravida AB, Hoist Finance AB, Oncopeptides AB, Atvexa AB, Sophiahemmet IF/AB, Hotell Diplomat AB and Stiftelsen Oxfam Sverige.
Selection of previous positions: Deputy CEO Ambea, CEO Carema, CFO Carema, Head of Sweden Skandia, acting CEO Skandiabanken, CEO Skandia Link.
Ossian Ekdahl

Council member since: 2010
Born: 1961
Education: Licentiate of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
Current position: Head of Corporate Governance, Första AP-fonden since 2003.
Current board assignments: Member of StyrelseAkademien Sverige.
Selected previous positions: Stockholm School of Economics, Karlstad University, Ministry of Finance, Riksbank.
Pontus Enquist

Council member since: 2024
Born: 1976
Education: LL.M., Master of Business Administration
Current position: Lawyer, Partner at Roschier Advokatbyrå.
Current board assignments: -
Selection of previous positions: Lawyer, partner at Advokatfirman Vinge.
Karin Forseke

Council member since: 2018
Born: 1955
Education: Studies UCLA extension, Los Angeles in economics, sociology and marketing.
Current position: Board member, advisor.
Current board assignments: Member of Greater Than AB.
Selection of previous positions: CEO Carnegie Investment Bank AB, Chief Operating Officer at London International Financial Futures Exchange LIFFE, Financial Advisor Prudential Bache USA and advisor to Mats Odell, Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance. Chairman of Alliance Trust Plc, Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), Board member of Wallenius Lines, Soya Group AB, European Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Swedish Opera.
Sofia Frändberg

Council member since: 2024
Born: 1964
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Senior Manager, Volvo Group.
Current board assignments: L E Lundbergföretagen, VE Commercial Vehicles, cellcentric and Volvo Penta.
Selected previous positions: General Counsel of the Volvo Group, Secretary of the Board of AB Volvo and lawyer.
Marianne Gernandt Lundius

Council member since: 2006 (Chair 2016-2023)
Born: 1949
Education: LL.M.
Current board assignments: Chair, Nasdaq disciplinary committee, Kvinvest AB, Mercuri Urval Foundation.
Selected previous positions: Business lawyer, member and chairman of the Swedish Supreme Court.
Anne Holm Rannaleet

Council member since: 2010
Born: 1954
Education: Master of Business Administration
Current position: Executive Director IKARE Ltd; Senior Advisor Public Affairs, IK Investment Partners.
Current board assignments: Unicus Holding A/S, Polaris Management AS, Ideella Föreningen Effektfullt, Insamlingsföreningen Kinondo Support, IKARE Ltd.
Selected previous positions: Partner IK Investment Partners until 2008; SEB/Enskilda Fondkommission/Enskilda ventures 1987-1993; Atlas Copco AB 1981-1986, Svenska Peugeot AB 1977-1981.
Carl Johan Högbom

Council member since: 2018
Born: 1957
Education: MBA, Stockholm University
Current board assignments: Member of the disciplinary committees at Nasdaq Stockholm and Swedsec.
Selection of previous positions: CEO Stockholm Stock Exchange, Vice Chairman of the Swedish Shareholders' Association.
Richard Josephson

Council member since: 2016
Born: 1957
Education: MBA, Stockholm School of Economics
Current position: Managing Director, Corporate Finance, SEB.
Selected previous positions: EQT Partners, Goldman Sachs.
Magnus Jönsson

Council member since: 2024
Born: 1968
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Head of Legal at Handelsbanken Corporate Finance.
Selection of previous positions: Enskilda Juridik, Carnegie Investment Bank, ABG Sundal Collier.
Arne Karlsson

Council member since: 2003
Born: 1958
Education: Civ. ek.
Current board assignments: Chairman of Einar Mattsson, FPI Group and Stadshus, among others. Member of A P Möller-Maersk and Girovent Holding, among others.
Selection of previous positions: CEO Ratos 1999-2012, Atle 1993-1998, Hartwig Invest 1988-1993, several positions within Aktiv Placering SEB 1992-1998.
Wilhelm Lüning

Council member since: 2015
Born: 1959
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Lawyer, Advokatfirman Cederquist.
Current board assignments: Member of the Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee.
Selection of previous positions: -
Patrik Marcelius

Council member since: 2022
Born: 1974
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Lawyer, Partner at Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå.
Current board assignments: Member of the Nasdaq Stockholm Disciplinary Committee.
Selection of previous positions: -
Jens Nystrand

Council member since: 2016
Born: 1973
Education: LL.M., MBA.
Current position: Managing Director, Nordea Corporate Finance & ECM.
Current board assignments: -
Selected previous positions: Associate and lawyer at Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå.
Robert Ohlsson

Council member since: 2014
Born: 1954
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Lawyer, Nord Advokater.
Selection of previous positions: -
Fredrik Palm

Council member since: 2024
Born: 1973
Education: LL.M., Stockholm University, 1999 & Civil Engineering, Stockholm School of Economics, 1999.
Current position: Lawyer and Partner, Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå. Co-head of the Corporate/Capital Markets practice group.
Current board assignments: Member of Nordic Growth Market NGM's disciplinary committee.
Selection of previous positions: Gernandt & Danielsson since 2000 (Partner 2007), Secondee Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, London 2003-2004.
Carl-Johan Pousette

Council member since: 2010
Born: 1957
Education: LL.M.
Current position: Lawyer, Partner at Advokatfirman Hammarskiöld & Co.
Selection of previous positions: Lawyer SEB Enskilda, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, lawyer Alfred Berg Fondkommission, lawyer Enskilda Juridik, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, assistant lawyer Hedberg & Co Advokatbyrå.
Bo Selling

Council member since: 2022
Born: 1958
Education: Civil engineering
Current position: -
Current board assignments: Chairman of L E Lundbergföretagen AB and Sydholmarna Kapitalförvaltning AB.
Selection of previous positions: Midland Montagu Bank, HSBC James Capel, AMF Pension, Handelsbanken Fonder, Share Manager Alecta.
Erik Sjöman, Special Adviser to the Secretariat of the Swedish Securities Council

Council member since: 2014
Born: 1975
Education: LL.M., Jur. dr. h.c., Lund University
Current position: Lawyer, Partner at Advokatfirman Vinge.
Current board assignments: Swedish Bar Association, Business Law Centre at Lund University.
Selected previous positions: Member of Nasdaq Stockholm's Listing Committee 2010-2016.
Charlotte Strömberg

Council member since: 2016
Born: 1959
Education: Master of Business Administration
Current position: Board employee and investor.
Current board assignments: Clas Ohlson AB, Kinnevik AB, and Lindéngruppen AB. Vice Chairman Sofina S.A.
Selection of previous positions: Board member in about ten listed companies, CEO JLL Nordics, Head of Investment Banking Carnegie Investment Bank, Director Alfred Berg Corporate Finance, Equity Analyst Robur.
Anna Surtevall

Council member since: 2022
Born: 1955
Education: LL.M.
Current position: -
Selection of previous positions: Head of Corporate Governance and Dispute Resolution, Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson; Lawyer, Partner, CEO, Setterwalls Advokatbyrå; Company lawyer, Salénrederierna.
Ola Åhman

Council member since: 2020
Born: 1964
Education: Jur. dr., LL.M.
Current position: Lawyer, Partner at Snellman Attorneys Ltd.
Selection of previous positions: Member of the main board of the Swedish Bar Association 2013-2019.