The principals of the Swedish Securities Council

The Swedish Securities Council is one of the bodies which make up Föreningen för god sed på värdepappersmarknaden, the Association for Generally Accepted Practice in the Securities Market. The Council works entirely independently. The other bodies within the Association are Kollegiet för svensk bolagsstyrning, the Swedish Corporate Governance Board, Nämnden för svensk redovisningstillsyn and Rådet för hållbarhets- och finansiell rapportering, the Swedish Corporate Reporting Board.

The members and financiers of the Association for Generally Accepted Practice in the Securities Market are:

• FAR - the Institute for the Accounting Profession in Sweden)
Fondbolagens förening –the  Association of Mutual Funds
Institutionella ägares förening - the Institutional Owners Association for Regulatory Issues in the Stock Market
• Nasdaq Stockholm
Svensk Försäkring - the Swedish Insurance Federation
Svenska Bankföreningen – the Swedish Bankers’ Association
Svenska Fondhandlareföreningen - the Swedish Securities Dealers Association
Svenskt Näringsliv – The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise